Useful Information

Payment Methods

Paying for your television and  radio licence is now more practical, accessible and stress-free than ever.

You may now pay using the following methods;

  • Online using this link
  • Ecocash USSD *151#, select option 2 Make Payments, Pay ZBC.
  • Pay in person at our physical paypoint network throughout the Country like Zimpost, Econet shops, Insurance outlets and ZBC offices.


Radio & Television License

A television and / or radio license or broadcast receiving license is a payment required in many countries for the reception of television and / or radio broadcasts or the possession of a receiving set.

The Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation’s content is supported by the Licensing fees that are collected by the national broadcaster. The ZBC Licensing department derives it mandate from the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Services Act (Chapter 12:06) as read together with the Broadcasting (Listeners’ Licenses) regulations issued from time to time by the Government of Zimbabwe through the Ministry of Media, Information and Broadcasting Services as well as the Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe (BAZ).

Hence the ZBC License Inspectorate department is an enforcement entity which tries to ensure a high compliance rate amongst the viewers and listeners.

Below are the various annual radio and television fees for vehicle, rural and urban homes and corporate entities.

Annual License Fees

Television - Business Premises

Annual License Fee
USD 200.00
Sound - Employer Owned Vehicle
Annual License Fee
USD 200.00
Sound & Television - Vehicle
Annual License Fee
USD 200.00
Sound - Business Premises
Annual License Fee
USD 100.00
Sound & Television
Annual License Fee
USD 100.00
Sound - Private Vehicle
Annual License Fee
USD 92.00
Sound Urban
Annual License Fee
USD 40.00
Sound Rural
Annual License Fee
USD 20.00

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need a listener's or viewer's license?

To enable ZBC to fulfil its mandate as a public Broadcaster, in terms of the Broadcasting Services Act (Chapter 12:06)

The ZBC Inspectorate department derives its mandate from the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Services Act (Chapter 12:06) as read together with the Broadcasting (Listeners’ Licenses) regulations issued from time to time by the Government of Zimbabwe through the Ministry of Media Information and Broadcasting Services and the Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe. License fees are a government tax whose collection and use has been delegated to ZBC to enable it to meet its national mandate. Hence the ZBC Inspectorate is a law enforcement entity which tries to ensure a high compliance rate amongst the population.

What are the various types of listener’s licences?

  • Radio Licence – Rural Home
  • Radio Licence – Urban Home
  • Radio Licence – Company (office radio)
  • Television Licence – Urban Home
  • Television Licence – Company
  • Vehicle Radio Licence – Private vehicle
  • Vehicle Radio Licence – Company vehicle
  • Dealers Licence
  • Concessionary Licence (issued free to senior citizens aged 75 years and above)

Who should have a listener’s licence?

The Broadcasting (Listener’s Licences) 2003 Regulations through Statutory Instrument 245 of 2003 states that one is licensed to possess either or both of the following;

One or more receivers (sound)

One or more receivers (television)

For business entities, each receiver has to have its own separate licence.

Are some person or entities exempted from buying listener’s licences?

Yes, only accredited diplomats to Zimbabwe and the blind or aged and indigent who can prove that they are on social welfare support.

When is a licence payable and for how long is it valid?

A listener’s licence is valid is valid for one calendar year and is payable from 1st of January of each year or immediately before purchase of a gadget (radio or television)

What is a television set, as defined in the broadcasting services act?

Any device designed or adapted to be capable of receiving a broadcast television signal. That includes a PC fitted with a TV tuner card, or a videocassette recorder (VCR) connected to a monitor or TV screen.

What happens if I do not renew my listener’s licence?

ZBC Licence inspectors have a mandate to visit homes and institutions checking for licences once every year and also check on vehicle radio licences. If found without a valid listener’s you are liable to prosecution.

What happens if I am found without a valid listener’s licence?

The Licence Inspector will issue a Notice requiring you to produce a valid licence at your nearest police station within seven days.

What happens after the expiry of seven days if I fail to comply with the Notice issued?

Prosecution procedures will be instituted.

How shall I know when to renew my TV licence?

The ZBC sends out renewal notices ±2 months in advance. However, non-receipt of such notice is not an excuse for failure to renew nor for late renewal.

What is required on renewal of a licence?

Your previous licence.

May one pay the licence fee in instalments?

Yes – but when first applying for a listener’s licence, the full annual fee is payable. Thereafter, a licence may be paid in quarterly instalments.

What are the legal consequences of contravening the TV licence legislation?

Anyone found guilty in court of failing to comply with the law may be fined or imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months or to both such fine and such imprisonment.

When is a listener’s licence no longer required?

When one disposes off either a radio or TV by selling or giving it away as a gift, one has to notify ZBC in writing within seven days including the new owner and the physical address where it will be ordinarily kept.

If I sell my radio and television should I hand over the licence to the buyer or new owner?

No, a listener’s licence is not transferrable; one needs one’s own listener’s licence except where a husband or wife passes on.

May one use someone else’s TV licence to purchase a television set?

NO – one needs one’s own licence, except one is a family member of a licence holder

Who qualifies for a concessionary domestic television licence?

One must apply to the ZBC for such licence and submit the prescribed documentation with one’s application. Those who qualify are senior citizens aged 65 years and above.

On what basis do TV dealers pay licence fees?

A dealer requires a single dealer (demonstration) licence, covering the television sets on display for sale. A separate business licence is required for other TV sets used on the premises.

What are a licence holder’s obligations when moving to a new address?

The ZBC must be informed in writing within 30 days of a change of address.

How are address changes and other TV licence information conveyed to the ZBC?

All notices to the ZBC must be in writing and addressed to: The Manager, Licensing Department, ZBC, P.O. Box HG 444, Highlands, Harare; or By email

Where do I buy these licences from?

You may buy them from all ZBC offices and at all Econet and Zimpost branches countrywide.

You can also buy your licences on our online licensing platform by simply visiting

How many licences do I need for my home which has more than one receiver sets?

Only one domestic Television licence is required to cover both television and radio sets provided all sets so licenced are used only at the licence holder’s residential premises. All sets so licenced are used by members of one family.

Who are regarded as “members of the family”?

All persons who are resident with the licence holder and are related to the licence holder by blood or marriage.

Are domestic employees living in staff quarters covered by the house owner’s licence?

No, they need a separate licence.

Are tenants living in the cottage within one’s premises covered by the landlord’s licence?

No, they need a separate licence

Is a tenant, occupying a room in the main house, covered by the landlord’s licence?

No, a separate licence is required.

Are some persons or entities exempted from buying listener’s licences?

Yes, only accredited diplomats to Zimbabwe and the blind or aged and indigent who can prove that they are on social welfare support.

Does my urban home’s licence cover the rural home or other home I own?

No, a separate licence is required for each additional residential premise.

Does my urban home’s Television licence cover the radio in my car?

No, a separate licence is required for the motor vehicle radio.

How many licences do I need if I have more than one vehicle?

Each vehicle fitted with a radio set must have its own radio licence.

If the radio in the car cannot receive a ZBC signal do I require a licence?

Yes a licence is required as long as the receiver is designed for the reception of a broadcasting service

Do I need a TV licence if my set is only used to view videos only?

As long as one has a TV receiving equipment in one’s possession a licence is payable regardless of what is being used for.

Is a listener’s licence required for a receiver on a business premises?

Yes each receiver is licensed separately.

Who pays the licence fee for a rented TV set?

The person who hires the TV set pays the licence fee.

Is a television licence transferable from one licence holder to another?

No, EXCEPT between spouses or between “life partners” in a permanent relationship sharing the same residence, on the death of a husband/wife or partner.

Do unmarried “life partners” living together need separate licences if they have more than one TV set?

No – a single domestic licence is required, provided that the partners furnish the ZBC with an affidavit confirming their status as unmarried parties to a life partnership

Does my concessionary domestic licence cover the TV set(s) in my holiday home?

No. The concession applies only to the concession holder’s permanent residence. An additional licence fee at the full annual tariff is required for the sets in the holiday home.